Transcript for "Writing a Professional Life of Facebook" by Timothy J. Briggs "Writing a Professional Life on Facebook" [Background music plays throughout] Voiceover: In the summer of 2009 I participated in the Digital Media and Composition Institute\'97also known as DMAC\'97at The Ohio State University. This experience was the first time I had met colleagues from around the country, and our conversations sparked a desire in me to connect with others in the discipline. Not surprisingly, my DMAC experience also influenced my writing for Facebook, starting with how I communicated to my colleagues back at Oakland University. The day before I left for DMAC my colleague Cornelia Pokrzywa and department chair Marshall Kitchens let me know they expected updates about my experience." By the second day of DMAC, my colleague Lori Ostergaard told me she wanted me to write updates on Facebook. At this point I realized I had an audience who was interested in hearing about the equipment we were using and the projects we were composing. So I wrote status updates on a daily basis despite the institute's busy schedule.