Interviewer: How did you get on Twitter? Daisy: I got on it-- I think I kind of kept hearing about it, and I got on it last January after MLA, which I'm wondering had I been tweeting while I was going to my interviews, what would have happened, but I got on it, and I think I just started following a lot of the people that I know who are techie, like Howard Rheingold, and then all these people who I really like their work, and I do find there's a much more immediate reply when you ask people a question. So now I have Howard commenting on my blog, and he did a whole thing about laptop campuses and the view he has, that he looks out at his students, and how, are they really paying attention? And that's something that I've started to look at what my own teaching, because you do have to say, "Laptops down," Cindy: Oh my gosh! Daisy: And even when you do, they'll keep it halfway open and you can see the little bouncing icon that they got an email, so they want to write back immediately. So yeah, it's been interesting.