[Musical transition] Male 1 voice: Okay, so near the end of the summer of 2009, I became -- I began having these crazy realistic dreams. I had no idea what they meant, but they were so realistic it got to the point where I was literally living in my dreams and it got to the point where I couldn't wake up, which was extremely scary. Like it made me think of death and what its like--what it must be like--because there's it just keeps me thinking. But um anyway, ... These dreams made me do some research on what produces dreams and how the brain works, and it's really interesting that your brain produces a drug called D-- or it's called DMT. When your body... your... In your brain, there's the pineal gland, which produces this chemical that makes your brain go through this whole psychedelic experience, and it's very natural. Everyone experiences dreams, especially when you're younger, but I also found out that DMT is also released when a person dies or has a near-death experience. So that just got me wondering, like if someone was to die, death might just be one giant dream that you just never wake up from so it really got me thinking. [Musical transition] Male 2 voice: When someone taught me how to read, or when I sort of was conscious of texture or images... But I see it sort of as a constellation of different elements sort of appearing at different moments. [Musical transition] Female voice: When I was younger I would have these dreams where I was being chased by something, but I couldn't move my legs. It was like running underwater--took all of my strength. I would wake up just before whatever was chasing me could get me. Slowly those dreams turned into more concrete fears that I felt, like my mother dying, my teeth falling out, falling from the roof of my house ,or being swept up by a tornado. Sigmund Freud says the unconscious is the real psychic. Its inner nature is just as and known to us as the reality of the external world and it is just as imperfectly reported to us through the data of unconsciousness as is the external world through the indications of our sensory organs. I think the rhetoric of our unconscious is what drives us. We are beings driven by repression by a need to dig out what was lost.