Alexandra: I’ll go with the character one first [okay, cool] because that’s what I normally always do first when I start off.

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Kevin: Did you do the charts by hand?

Alexandra: I did all the charts by hand. I would. [very organized] So what I would basically do is I would draw, draw lines down the paper, [um hm] and then I would just put here, you know, character name, middle name, last name, hair color, blah, blah, blah. And then I would put the name and then I would I would do it all.

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But, yeah, so I, it normally. Yeah, it pretty much always goes name, age, hair color, eye color, um, and then it varies, [Amazing] it varies per book. Like, for this one, I don’t need to have their psychological disorders. And then there’s the plot line.

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Kevin: When you first were making this chart, do you remember, like, for which novel? Or.

Alexandra: Um. I made. I mean, years and years ago, I don’t remember how little I was. But, I, when I started doing the Laura Ingalls Wilder spin-off, [yeah] I remember making, making something like that of the different family members and how old they were, and stuff.