One of Terri’s aunts: And so I kind of kept it to myself until after the Christmas holidays, and came back um from vacation and made an appointment with the doctor. And he checked me and he, he, said "I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about. We’ll get you a mammogram." And I said, "I’d like that. I think I need one." And, so after we got the ball rolling, I had a very aggressive cancer. It had, it had grown from what it had grown in years past.
Slide: Women should begin performing self-monthly breast exams at age 20.
Slide: Clinical breast exams (performed by a health care professional) should be done every three years from age 20-40.
Slide: Clinical exams (performed by a professional) and mammograms should be done annually at age 40.
One of Terri’s aunts: My doctor started recommending it. He said that "you’re at an age now." I, I think it was my late forties. It could have been early fifties. You know, it’s been a while. But, I had several and I did them regularly. Every year. So I’m saying that a mammogram can save your life.
Slide: Stage III treatments can include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy.
One of Terri’s aunts: You know, I thought, you know, that was when they didn’t know anything about cancer. And they just.
Another of Terri’s aunts: Well, I thought going to the doctor and getting a mammogram each year was, "yay, good coverage, I’m fine. I’m healthy." No. It’s quite an eye opener.
Slide: And even when we do, it’s easy to become complacent—to forget that life can change in an instant.