Alexandra: Once I get to this point, I visualize it more like this, [yes] knowing that the max is here and if we do it below here we won’t be making any money at all. [Uh huh] Once I get to the chart, the chart chart, [yeah] then I think about it like the chart, but when I’m doing it [cool] like the data, I might, I might be thinking about, the, the distances and [uh huh, uh huh]. Where’s my, like this one over here, [okay] where we had the um…

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With this one, where we made the nine planes and then flew each of them nine times, I kind of was thinking about it more like in the chart, [um hm] um, more, Excel format, [um hm] rather than the graph.

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So basically you highlight all the cells of interest, [um hm] so I’m just gonna la de da, go down here, go faster, [okay] um, scroll all the way down to here to ninety-nine cents. [um hm] And then, you can do, is it here, insert. No, thwarted. [oh, I’m sorry] Ah ha, here it is, insert chart. [okay] And then you click what type of chart, for these I’ve been using x y line charts. [okay] And it did it like that, which is like that one over there, except I’m not comparing it to, um [um hm] to the quality of one. So this is what that one is, and now I can go in and uhhh format axis. Let’s see, we’ll make it go just to one, and do it like that, so that it goes from zero to the dollar, [uh hm, uh hm] and then if I wanted I could adjust it and put the dollar signs in and.