MELANIE: Siri? SIRI: Hi, Melanie. . . what can I do for you? MELANIE: What is the deadliest of all shits? SIRI: That's not nice. MELANIE: Siri, that doesn't help me. SIRI: Home sweet Mac. Here's what you can ask me to do. MELANIE: Please, tell me, what shit is likeliest to kill me? SIRI: ! MELANIE: Again, tell me, what shit is likeliest to kill me? SIRI: ! MELANIE: That's not funny. How am I most likely to die by shit? SIRI: You're OK. And I'm OK. And this is the best of all possible worlds. MELANIE: Please really, really tell me. I really would like to know, can shit kill me? SIRI: Oooh! MELANIE: Excrement. Can I die from excrement? SIRI: I don't know how to respond to that. MELANIE: Can poop kill? SIRI: I don't know how to respond to that. MELANIE: Do feces have germs that are deadly? SIRI: OK, I found this on the web for "do feces have germs that are deadly." MELANIE: OK. So can I die from dog shit? SIRI: Now, now. MELANIE: Can I die from raccoon shit? SIRI: I hope you don't kiss your mother with that mouth. MELANIE: Can I die from human shit? SIRI: There's no need for that. MELANIE: I have shit on my sandal. SIRI: ! MELANIE: I have a turd on my sandal. SIRI: I don't understand "I have a turn on my sandal. But I could search the web for it. MELANIE: I have a turdddddd on my sandal. SIRI: I don't know what you mean by "I have a turd on my sandal. How about a web search for it? MELANIE: I have caca on my sandal. SIRI: I don't get it. But I can check the web for "I have Khafka on my sandal" if you like. MELANIE: Siri, can dog crap on my sandal kill me? SIRI: I don't know how to respond to that.