Radiant Figures

Visual Rhetorics in Everyday Administrative Contexts

In twelve chapters, seven responses, and 79 figures, Radiant Figures situates visual rhetorics in everyday administrative contexts.
Authors: Julia Voss, Heather Turner; Derek Mueller; Ryan J. Dippre; Kate Pantelides, Jacie Castle, Katherine Thach Musick; David Martins; Laurence José; Rachel Gramer; Natalie Szymanski; Jacob Craig, Chris Warnick; Jamie White-Farnham; Andrew Lucchesi; and Logan Bearden.
Respondents: Louise Wetherbee Phelps, Diana George, Kathleen Blake Yancey, Amy Ferdinandt Stolley, Heidi Estrem, Jason Palmeri, and Annette Vee.

Paths & Respondents

In addition to individual chapters, the volume is also organized into a series of seven reading paths, or clusters of chapters. Each Radiant Figures path begins with an experienced writing program administrator-scholar responding to multiple chapters in the path, drawing connections between chapters and their own situated experiences, and framing generative questions and possibilities raised by authors in the collection.