The seven narratives used in this exhibit were chosen for their similar narrative and content features, the narrow age span of the contributors, and their close submission dates to the DALN, which suggest that they were recorded around the same time.

Alyssa Schultz photo
Alyssa Schultz
Anonymous photo
Brittany Dauterman photo
Brittany Dauterman
Vanessa Johnston photo
Vanessa Johnston


Diana Musgrave photo
Diana Musgrave
Kevin Lanning photo
Kevin Lanning
Stephanie Springer photo
Stephanie Springer


The narratives come from young people, apparently in their early twenties, and were submitted to the DALN in January and February of 2010. The DALN does not require contributors to include any demographic information when they submit their narratives, although the submission form allows contributors to add this kind of information. As a result, many artifacts in the archive—including all of the narratives examined here except Johnston’s—do not include any demographic information about their creators aside from what the narrators make evident about themselves in the performance of their narrative. As a result, unless otherwise stated, the claims made here about age, gender, race, and other identity characteristics are based on how the narrators present themselves.

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