Patterson Video 2 Karen Coley It really was started on the instructional side of the house with Matt Hurtienne and Dan Pahlow, two of the deans, who as we had this empty office area that needed to be remodeled, had the idea of a collaborative, interactive learning classroom (we chose active learning as the the title). They’re really the ones initiating the classroom. Matt Hurtienne The way the process came to completion is that we spent a considerable amount of time in researching other universities’ and other colleges’ literature and research that suggested that an active learning classroom was appropriate for our outcomes and what we wanted to reach towards. Dan Pahlow We kind of came up with a sketch from an idea we wanted and filled out a college initiative, a process our college uses to get ideas from people within the organization of things they would like to see. Mary Vogl-Rauscher The deans wanted to make sure that the instructors that were going to actually be using the room had input into the decision making in terms of the equipment, in terms of the configuration, the type of chairs, the type of tables, and in terms of what the room layout was going to be all about. Matt Hurtienne A college initiative was established to receive funding to actually put the classroom together. Tim Flood Once academics brought the vision to the project then we had to figure out what was going to be incorporated within the project, establish a budget, and we do that by trying to put together all the pieces and components that are going to be in the active learning classroom. In this case there was a lot of technology involved, so then we had to ask all the people on the design team to bring those pieces and put that budget together. Mary Vogl-Rauscher I need technology that is very user friendly, that is very instructor friendly, but can still do the job that we need it to do. Matt Hurtienne The design of the classroom is modeled very closely to classrooms that we were able to find through literature, which actually gave an X type format for seating assignment. If you have the opportunity to view the room you’ll see that there’s four small group tables designed in almost an X format. Anywhere that you sit you can see the other groups, where the instructor is moving throughout the classroom. At each learning pod, we refer to each table as a learning pod, each learning pod as technology that’s associated with it. High technology being smart boards, being iPads, being computers, along with low technology being a dry erase board on wheels. Mary Vogl-Rauscher We love the furniture choices, we love the options that we had, and we like that all the furniture was portable. You can configure this room a hundred different ways and it could meet every instructor’s needs, not just one class, not just one prototype, but the room was set up so that it would meet all the instructor’s needs, regardless of what they liked. Dan Pahlow This needs to become part of what we do as a college. This active learning lab shouldn’t just be something we do every now and then, but it should really be thought of every time we design a building, every time we design a remodel, and how can we put more active learning classrooms in there should be part of what we do.