Length: 0:40
The “Desire” video of Jackie repeats: Jackie’s torso, off center, slightly to the right, turning in circles, dancing. Jonathan says the following:
We are/not sound bites. We are/not status updates. We are/not items in a news feed. We resist the deployment of robust multimedia technologies to render life one sentence at a time. We reclaim the perverse and promiscuous hypertextual and hypermedial capacities of the thick network to meditate queerly on the self—dispersed and whole, with its own uncharted, unchartable flows, leaks, blockages, dead ends, blind alleys, and fantastic journeys.
Periodically, some text is emphasized, overlaid in bold white type on the video of Jackie turning:
We are/not sound bites
We are/not status updates
We are/not items in a news feed
one sentence at a time
perverse and promiscuous
thick network
dispersed and whole
fantastic journeys
In the above, a slash separates the words are and not, indicating that we simultaneously are and are not sound bites, status updates, and items in a news feed.