Entire book, single PDF: CollaborativeApproaches.pdf (123 mb)
Laura McGrath |
Introduction: English Studies in the Digital Age: The Call to Collaborate
Introduction.pdf (484 k)
1 |
Joyce Neff, Liza Potts, and Carl Whithaus |
Collaborative Methodologies for New Media Research: Using Grounded Theory and Contextual Inquiry
Ch1_Neff_Potts_Whithaus.pdf (24.8 mb) |
2 |
Lisa Spiro |
Computing and Communicating Knowledge: Collaborative Approaches to Digital Humanities Projects
Ch2_Spiro.pdf (887 k)
3 |
Laura McGrath |
Technology-Focused Collaborative Research Initiatives in English Studies: The Possibilities of Team-Based Approaches
Ch3_McGrath.pdf (6.79 mb)
4 |
Jim Ridolfo, Martine Courant Rife, Kendall Leon, Amy Diehl, Jeff Grabill, Douglas Walls, and Stacey Pigg |
Collaboration and Graduate Student Professionalization in a Digital Humanities Research Center
Ch4_Ridolfo_Rife_Leon_Diehl_Grabill_Walls_Pigg.pdf (3.81 mb) |
5 |
Sean McCarthy and Lauren Mitchell Nahas |
Playful Affinity: A Case Study of the Digital Writing and Research Lab as a Collaborative Graduate Student Research Network
Ch5_McCarthy_Nahas.pdf (53.1 mb) |
6 |
Matt Barton and Kevin Moberly |
Across Disciplines: Establishing a New Media Program
Ch6_Barton_Moberly.pdf (388 k) |
7 |
Magnus Gustafsson, Donna Reiss, Art Young, and Linda Bradley |
From Local Seminars to International Teaching and Learning Exchanges: The Cross-Cultural Collaborations Project
Ch7_Gustafsson_Reiss_Young_Bradley.pdf (27.4 mb) |
8 |
Caroline Cason Barratt, Jill Parrott, and Erin Presley |
The Polyphonic Classroom: A Collaborative Pedagogical Approach to Information Literacy and Digital Composition
Ch8_Barratt_Parrott_Presley.pdf (8.29 mb) |
9 |
Monica Bulger, Jessica Murphy, Jeff Scheible, and Elizabeth Lagresa |
Interdisciplinary Knowledge Work: Digital Textual Analysis Tools and Their Collaboration Affordances
Alan Liu |
Response: "So What?" New Tools and New Humanities Paradigms
Ch9_Bulger_Murphy_Scheible_Lagresa.pdf (573 k) |
10 |
Jentery Sayers
Tinker-Centric Pedagogy in Literature and Language Classrooms
Ch10_Sayers.pdf (712 k) |
About the Contributors |
Contributors.pdf (418 k) |
Entire book, single PDF: CollaborativeApproaches.pdf (123 mb)
ISBN: 978-0-87421-887-9
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