Con Job: Stories of Adjunct & Contingent Labor

Directed and Produced by Megan Fulwiler and Jennifer Marlow

ISBN: 978-0-87421-967-8 / Bibliography / Transcript

Film Direct Download

The full film is embedded above, and it is also available on YouTube. If you would prefer to view the film offline, a direct download (in mp4 format) is available. Please note that the filesize is approximately 600MB, which is a lengthy download for non-broadband connections.


These chapters link to specific portions of the full film above. Links will open in a new window.


Daniel Beaudry / Ross Borden / Marc Bousquet / Jessica Brouker / Peter Brown / Bethany Aery Clerico / Elizabeth Conway / Christopher Dean / Julie Demers / Sue Doe / Don Eron / Mary Fitzsimmons / Jil Hanifan / Carrie Holligan / Suzanne Hudson / Seth Kahn / Paul Lamar / Jennifer Lee / Maria Maisto / Cary Nelson / Mike Palmquist / Zartasha Samson / Bob Samuels / Steve Street / William H. Thelin / Nathaniel Ward / Anne Wiegard / Thomas Wilk / Bronwyn Williams / Matt Williams

Copyright © 2014 Megan Fulwiler, Jennifer Marlow, and Utah State University Press/Computers and Composition Digital Press. Some rights reserved.

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Utah State University Press
7800 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-7800



Con Job: Stories of Adjunct and Contingent Labor