Afterword: With and Because of Genevieve

Afterword: With and Because of Genevieve

Donna Qualley

Sample Questions for Students’ Informal Writing about Participation

  • When you are really interested in what’s going on? What are you usually doing? How does this look to others?
  • What ways of participating and engaging do you have that might not be visible to me or others in the class unless you told us?
  • What makes you want to put a lot of effort in to your work? What does “putting in a lot of effort” into your work look like for you?
  • What makes it hard for you to speak in class?
  • How easy is it for you to ask questions when you don’t understand something?
  • Have you ever felt like you were the only one talking in the room?
  • Have you ever wished that someone else would just hurry up and speak their piece? What do you do when someone takes too long of a speaking turn?
  • When participating on on-line discussions in school, how would you describe your presence (active poster, active lurker, or passive lurker?)
  • When participating in on-line discussions of your choice outside of school, how would you describe your presence?

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