Third Eye:
An Exhibit of Literacy Narratives from Nepal


The Third Eye

One World
per Story


The Stories




I am indebted to my professional mentors—Professors Jai Raj Awasthi and Ganga Ram Gautam—for making their contribution to the DALN upon my solicitation and thereby to this project. I truly appreciate my colleagues—Bal, Gita, Dhruba, Prem, and Hem—for the time they took out from their busy schedules to record and share their literacy narratives through the DALN.

I am thankful to Dr. Cindy Selfe, Dr. Scott DeWitt, and Dr. Lewis Ulman for the time and support they gave me while I struggled to translate my extremely text-based original draft into a more multimodal and a more research-oriented version. I appreciate the suggestions and feedback provided by my former teacher Dr. Iswari Pandey. My colleague Trauman, here at the University of Louisville, deserves my deepest gratitude for his always great feedback, comments, and advice on my ongoing work. Thanks also to Harley Ferris for his support with the web design aspect of this project.

I am grateful to Ramchandra Adhikari, my very dear friend in Kathmandu, for extremely willing and reassuring and friendly support with the recording and collection of the narratives from Kathmandu. And, finally, I owe special gratitude to Dr. Cindy Selfe for all the extra support—like creating accounts for Nepalese scholars' literacy narrative in the DALN—as well as for encouraging and mentoring me in this field of scholarship.

Research Notes
Design Notes
Curator: Ghanashyam Sharma (Shyam)