Technological Ecologies and Sustainability

Sustaining Scholarly Efforts

Cynthia L. Selfe, Gail E. Hawisher, and Patrick W. Berry



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Media Credits

Hawisher interview on Introduction: Photograph of hallway, Josh Birnbaum; Selfe and Hawisher video and stills from Computers and Writing, 2008. Berry; self portrait, Synne Skjulstad; video of writing process, Shafinaz Ahmed.

Selfe interview on Changing Contexts: Photograph of hallway, Josh Birnbaum; coyote footage, courtesy of West Seattle Blog; additional stills, Berry, Selfe, Skjulstad, and Melanie Yergeau.

Dukaj/Berry interview on Principle #1: Photograph of tree and exterior university shots, Josh Birnbaum; video footage, Berry.

Prior interview on Principle #1: Photograph of classroom, Berry; screen shots and media clips from Paul Prior, Janine Solberg, Patrick Berry, Hannah Bellwoar, Bill Chewning, Karen Lunsford, Liz Rohan, Kevin Roozen, Mary Sheridan-Rabideau, Jody Shipka, Derek Van Ittersum, and Joyce Walker's “Re-situating and re-mediating the canons: A cultural-historical remapping of rhetorical activity, a collaborative webtext,” Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 11.3, 2007. and Shannon Mondor and Angela Rounsaville's "Inventing/Producing Columbus: A New Humanities Remix," Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 13.1 (2008).

Blair interview on Principle #2: Photograph of classroom, Berry.

Ball interview on Principle #2: Photograph of hallway, Josh Birnbaum.

Ulman interview on Principle #3: Photograph of bicycle, Josh Birnbaum; video clips from the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives,

Hawisher/Selfe interview on Conclusion: Photograph of skylight, Josh Birnbaum; Hawisher and Selfe video, Berry; film stills, Birnbaum, Selfe, and Yergeau.