Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times

Patrick W. Berry, Gail E. Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe

A woman holds her palms toward a brightly lit screen. The title of the book and authors hover around the woman.

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Winner of the 2013 CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award

Winner of the 2013 CCCC Research Impact Award


Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times is a book-length project designed to document how people outside and within the United States take up digital literacies and fold them into the fabric of their daily lives. This research contributes to our knowledge of the impact of digital media on literate practices and also provides a basis for developing approaches for studying and teaching successful practices. The goal of the book is to suggest different and increasingly accurate ways of understanding the life histories and digital literacies of those with transnational connections, attempting to take into account local perspectives and the complex processes of globalization. With its multimodal format, the project represents the authors' first attempt at crafting a born-digital book.

We dedicate this book to all coauthors of Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times and to the community of rhetoric and composition/writing studies, especially those who also claim computers and composition as a field.

We also dedicate this book with great admiration to all those who have contributed to making Computers and Composition Digital Press (CCDP) a reality. The scholarly collective devoted to computers and composition has supported all of us far more than the individuals involved know, and, for this, we thank them. We are especially grateful to Michael Spooner, Director of Utah State University Press, for his long-standing support for our work. We're not sure what we would have done without him, but we are certain that the end results would have been far less effective without his magic touch.

Because this born-digital book has touched all our lives for many years, we ask that all future citations of this book acknowledge the three of us as authors: Patrick W. Berry, Gail E. Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe.

  • Publication date:
    February 2012
  • ISBN:
  • APA Citation:

    Berry, Patrick W., Hawisher, Gail E., & Selfe, Cynthia L. (2012). Transnational literate lives in digital times. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press. Retrieved from

  • MLA Citation:

    Berry, Patrick W., Gail E. Hawisher, and Cynthia L. Selfe. Transnational Literate Lives in Digital Times. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital P/Utah State UP, 2012. Web.

  • Copyright:

    OCLC: 785397816

    Copyright © 2012 Patrick W. Berry, Gail E. Hawisher, Cynthia L. Selfe, and Utah State University Press/Computers and Composition Digital Press. Some rights reserved.

    For personal noncommercial use. Viewers may not reproduce this ebook or project or display it on another website. This does not affect any of the following rights: fair use rights; the authors’ moral rights; rights other persons may have in relation to either the work itself or how the work is used.

    Per U.S. copyright law, readers may, without permission, use limited portions of copyrighted work for the purpose of analysis, review, critique, parody, etc. All such use should be accompanied by appropriate attribution to both the author and the publisher.

    Requests for permission to use materials from this ebook or project in new publications should be directed to Utah State University Press on behalf of Computers and Composition Digital Press.

    Utah State University Press
    3078 Old Main Hill
    Logan, Utah 84322-3078