The New Work of Composing



art & alt



coda: scholarship
and the digital

references etc.



design by amber buck

references etc.

bakhtin, mikhail. (1981). the dialogic imagination: four essays (caryl emerson & michael holquist, trans.; michael holquist, ed.). austin: university of texas press.

bakhtin, mikhail. (1986). speech genres and other late essays (vernon mcgee, trans.). austin: university of texas press.

barthes, roland. (1988). the semiotic challenge (richard howard, trans.). berkely: university of california press.

bolter, jay, & richard grusin. (1999). remediation: understanding new media. cambridge: mit press.

bridwell-bowles, lillian. (1992). discourse and diversity: experimental writing in the university. college composition and communication, 43, 349-368.

kerouac, jack. (2007). on the road: the original scroll.  new york: viking press.

kress, gunther. (2005). gains and losses: new forms of texts, knowledge, and learning. computers & composition, 22, 5-22.

lotman, yuri. (2009). culture and explosion (wilma clark, trans.; marina grishakova, ed.). berlin: mouton de gruyter.

prior, paul. (2005). moving multimodality beyond the binaries: a response to gunther kress's "gains and losses." computers and composition, 22, 23-30.

prior, paul. (2009). from speech genres to mediated multimodal genre systems: bakhtin, voloshinov, and the question of writing. In charles bazerman, adair bonini, and débora figueredo (eds.) genre in a changing world (pp. 17-34). wac clearinghouse and parlour press. retrieved 27 september 2011 from

prior, paul & julie hengst. (eds.). (2010). exploring semiotic remediation as discourse practice. houndsmill: palgrave macmillan.

prior, paul, & jody shipka. (2003). chronotopic lamination: tracing the contours of literate activity. In charles bazerman & david russell (Eds.), writing selves, writing societies (pp. 180-238). the wac clearinghouse. retrieved 27 september 2011 from

prior, paul, janine solberg, patrick berry, hannah bellowar, bill chewning, karen lunsford, liz rohan, kevin roozen, mary sheridan, jody shipka, derek van ittersum, & joyce walker. (2007). re-situating and re-mediating the canons: a cultural-historical remapping of rhetorical activity. kairos 11.3. retrieved 27 september 2011 from

richardson, laurel. 1997. fields of play: constructing an academic life. new brunswick: rutgers university press.

roozen, kevin. (2009). "fan fic-ing" english studies: a case study exploring the interplay of vernacular literacies and disciplinary engagement." research in the teaching of english, 44, 136-169.

shipka, jody. (2011). toward a composition made whole. pittsburg: university of pittsburg press.

todorov, tzvetan. (1981). an introduction to poetics (richard howard, trans.). minneapolis: university of minnesota press.

voloshinov, valentin.  (1973). marxism and the philosophy of language (ladislav matejka and irwin titunik, trans.)  cambridge: harvard university press.

i would like to acknowledge the design work and responses provided
by amber m. buck
and the close reading and suggested re-visionings provided
by cory spice holding.