Full Prospectus Guidelines

When you submit a Formal Prospectus to Computers & Composition Digital Press, it will be reviewed by members of our Editorial Board. This review generally takes up to twelve weeks and authors will be informed of the Editors’ decision as soon as possible after the reviews are returned.

To submit a formal prospectus for editorial consideration, authors should share their documents via email and a file transfer program such as Dropbox.

A formal prospectus should include the following sections:

As far as possible, CCDP conducts blind reviews of submitted books. However, CCDP understands that the nature of some books may preclude a review that is completely blind for both Press editors and project authors (for example, edited collections are generally submitted to presses with a list of authors who have agreed to contribute). Similarly, the nature of digital texts, genres, files, and projects may make completely blind reviews unreasonable, difficult, or even impossible (some video content, for example, may be impossible to render anonymous). In such cases, authors should feel free to consult the editors in advance if they have questions or concerns about a particular book. On the editorial end of our operation, the Press will make every effort to avoid revealing the names of editorial reviewers to authors.

Once completed born digital books are accepted for publication by CCDP, authors will be asked to submit their project to the editorial staff. If CCDP pursues publication of your book, you will be asked to submit a Publishing Agreement signed by the author and attesting that all work within the project is original or formally cleared for copyright and/or Creative Commons’ licensing restrictions. Also included should be scanned copies of all signed copyright permission forms or Creative Commons licenses for non-original content.