
On this page readers can search for terms from our corpus of Computers and Writing Conference programs from 1995–2015. The terms that served as headings to group the keywords we searched for, which are the basis of our discussion in Chapter 3, are available in the Focused Terms list. Click on the desired term and a line graph of the relative frequencies of that term from 1995–2015 will appear. (Depending on browser window resolution and size, readers may need to scroll down to see the graph.) Hovering over the yellow dots on the graph will display the relative frequency for that year. The total number of occurrences of the term in the programs will appear below the bolded heading to the right of the Search for Terms field.

To search for terms in addition to those in the Focused Terms list, type the desired term in the Search for Terms field. Then select it from the drop-down list that appears. (Simply hitting Enter or Return after typing in the term will not work.) Happy searching!

Relative frequencies of the term "disciplinarity" (1995-2015)

2 occurances in 21 documents