More Twittersation
Below is a continuation of the Twitter conversation begun at Twittersation.
@JoyceLocke @marlowjm @pamtaka #CWconvo14 Or, as @ewcrump would say, "tweakerating"
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm I think Twitter tends toward advertising yourself. Jay Bolter once said network discussion were about le bon mots. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm I think Twitter tends toward advertising yourself. Jay Bolter once said network discussion were about le bon mots. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm @johndan I haven't used it for chats - I'm finding it cumbersome.
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm @johndan Learning curve, I guess. I'm finding it hard to follow. But MOO was a learning curve, too.
— Rebecca Rickly (@rhet_rickly) August 7, 2014
@johndan @marlowjm yes -- it feels like a very solitary writerly technology
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
#CWconvo14 Writing is technology, of course, and that some computer and online tech can help us think/write in new ways. Collab invention.
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@mday666 @marlowjm @pamtaka @ewcrump #CWconvo14 "Ah, Clem" -- I think we also like to hack and test limits of systems
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@rhet_rickly @marlowjm @johndan it seems like a MOO room with conversations going on in multiple closets. :-) #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka Yes. I'm wondering how many followers I'll lose after this flurry of decontextualized messages. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @pamtaka #CWconvo14 Nothing in Davidson we didn't see 20 years ago, but a kind of an affirmation of what we knew decades ago
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@ewcrump Ha! Love this comparison. Is there anything to be gained from this over MOO I wonder? Or have we lost something? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @mday666 @marlowjm @pamtaka @ewcrump Do you think we get complacent, perhaps not comfortable with hacking anymore? #CWconvo14
— Rebecca Rickly (@rhet_rickly) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm Yes & no. MOO was cool but didn't scale (not convenient enough). Twitter is profoundly accessible. #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
"we" who, Becky? I think the field is very happy in hacking and playing and testing limits #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
#CWconvo14 I don't know about others, but managerial duties take up most of my time, time I would have been hacking and exploring... sigh.
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@mday666 indeed. I enjoy hacking the administrative systems, though. it's the same thing, isn't it? #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@mday666 @JoyceLocke @pamtaka It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how! :D #CWconvo14
— Rebecca Rickly (@rhet_rickly) August 7, 2014
@mday666 Ironically, the last thing I hacked is that full-body Twitter thing Wysocki and I did for CCCC about 5 years ago. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
.@rhet_rickly Good ? If C&W now more “mainstream” has it lost its power to “push boundaries” as Trent Batson once predicted? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@kairoshorses can you see my tweets? I can't see yours -- & I want to!!
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm @ewcrump I personally miss the MOO. But then perhaps I am a curmudgeon.#CWconvo14
— Rebecca Rickly (@rhet_rickly) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke #CWconvo14 Good point, Joyce. I am always trying to hack administration as well, since the old models don't fit my work style
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@johndan @mday666 full-body twitter? Hope someone got video! #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@rhet_rickly @marlowjm @ewcrump MediaMOO lives! For now. #CWconvo14
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@mday666 What kinds of hacking did you all do in the early days that you feel you've lost or no longer do? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm I do think we get in ruts. But what C&W does well is help us reflect on those ruts, become self-aware. #CWconvo14
— Rebecca Rickly (@rhet_rickly) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm #CWconvo14 For one, I programmed web pages and even made software for sentence revision, with help from Ben @bensyverson
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@marlowjm @mday666 I don't do any programming any more -- I do a lot with code (semantic tagging, smart texts, etc), though. #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
.@mday666 Yes - & if folks are up to it, we might do a post-Twittersation analysis there at some point? More ?s to be answered. #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm #CWconvo14 I made things in the MOO, did a linux build w/ much help from @cbdilger put MediaMOO there & was janitor of a MOOseum
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@JoyceLocke @mday666 So do you both equate programming/coding with hacking? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump Last active MOO work I did was setting up online tech comm classes at Purdue. Student newspaper harshly criticized it. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm @mday666 @pamtaka We're getting to tinker with whole disciplines these days via elected positions #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@mday666 @marlowjm @cbdilger I managed our MOO at Texas Tech for our distance ed courses until we decommissioned it last year. #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @mday666 @marlowjm @cbdilger Cool! I didn't know there were MOOs still actively used in courses these days. #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump No video online, but some pics: #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
I was never a programmer/hacker. I didn't tinker. I focused on the output of the tech I guess. The work that gets done with it. #cwconvo14
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka Thank goodness! Somebody's got to DO something with the tinkerers' tinkerings! #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @marlowjm @mday666 yes & it's cool/affirming that what we started out thinking was imp. for writing studies turns out to be so.
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @marlowjm @pamtaka #CWconvo14 Yes Joyce. We are depending upon you!
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
Front-page article characterized MOOs as dehumanizing. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@johndan 'dehumanizing' should never be used in connection with the most human of abilities - writing
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@johndan Of course. Strangely, us humans have been dehumanizing ourselves forever. Takes a while, I guess. #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@johndan Thanks. What a cool project! #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka Yeah. The article wasn't very well researched or logical.
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump @johndan #CWconvo14 I agree! Thanks for the link!
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@reachjim @mday666 @joycelocke It helps when us senior citizens are now running T&P committees. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump :-) I always say that I'm a terrific audience for musicians - same thing!
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka me too, Pam. I try to play, but really, I'm audience.
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump @pamtaka #CWconvo14 I'm trying to devote the last decade of my career to preserving CW history and co-mentoring to pay it forward.
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@ewcrump @pamtaka the tinkerings inherent in C&W have become very important for practicing technical writers. #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
So what's the next wave for C&W? What was cool at this years conf? #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
.@johndan Good question. I'd like know too, and if the "feel" of the conference has shifted over the years? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@johndan Anybody playing with googleglass yet? #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
#CWconvo14 back in '96 You referenced this fear of losing @rhet_rickly put it, “that collaborative/explorer/community feel”Has it happened?
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
.@ewcrump @pamtaka the tinkerings inherent in C&W have become very important for practicing technical writers. #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
.@marlowjm @johndan lots of stuff about materiality (akin to Haas) in recent conferences #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@johndan @reachjim @JoyceLocke #CWconvo14 And writing tons of outside T & P review letters
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
#cwconvo14 I have a Q what journals do you read, what conferences do you attend? I still find it challenging to place my work.
— pam takayoshi (@pamtaka) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka um, I read Terry Prachett novels. Sorry! #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
.@pamtaka CPTSC and SigDoc, ATTW, CCCC, C&W -- oh, also UPA #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
.@mday666 I think this is so important (hence my project). Why do you see it as important? #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump @johndan #CWconvo14 I think there was a session at CW but I missed it.
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@ewcrump I ordered one--don't have it yet. We're building eyetracking hardware and applications here, spun out of our program #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump I'm still weirded out by Google Glass. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@pamtaka I also found a nice, productive technical thread at the RSA this year #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@ewcrump @johndan #CWconvo14 Fave session was GATECH @rebeccaburnett explaining new wrtg studio complex/curric/pedagogy, assignments
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @pamtaka #CWconvo14 At the recent #CWPA14 conference there were lots of sessions having to do with digirhet
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@johndan @ewcrump wearability is a possibility that C&W can get into, looking at composing as something bodily. We'll see #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@johndan I'm a follower now. Let brave people like Joyce try things first :-)
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
Although bluetooth headsets also weird me out. So much for my tech cred. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@mday666 Ironically, the last thing I hacked is that full-body Twitter thing Wysocki and I did for CCCC about 5 years ago. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
#CWconvo14. I am going to sign off here, but I want to thank each of you for being game. Hopefully it wasn't too frustrating an exercise!?
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
.@mday666 I'll be in touch about possibly reconvening w/ mediaMOO to better digest what went down here on Twitter! #CWconvo14
— jenn marlow (@marlowjm) August 7, 2014
@JoyceLocke @johndan @mday666 Me too, Johndan, I expect to come around eventually. #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
.@mday666 @pamtaka DR and DH, computational rhetoric, absolutely #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
@marlowjm OK sounds good! If we want to use MediaMOO, we might need some prep time so see to it that everyone has a client.
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
:waves to #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
Yes, thanks, Jenn. This has been fun. Maybe see some of you at CCCC next year.. #CWconvo14
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014
@johndan Hope to see you there Johndan. Have to get accepted first! #CWconvo14
— Michael Day (@mday666) August 7, 2014
.@johndan speaking of CCCC, we'll see y'all in tampa. Maybe have a C&W dialog around the role of technology in writing studies? #CWconvo14
— Joyce Carter (@JoyceLocke) August 7, 2014
Thanks Jenn. This was fun & interesting. Always is when you get this gang together. #CWconvo14
— Eric Crump (@ewcrump) August 7, 2014
Now returning to my normal, once or two snotty comments a week Twitter feed.
— johndan (@johndan) August 7, 2014