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Teachers, students, and administrators interested in traditional literacy, electronic literacy, bilingualism, Latino/a studies, and media literacies showcasing the rise of technological literacies across generations and within the marginalized population on the U.S.-Mexico border will better understand literacy experiences in niche locations.
From over a hundred surveys and interviews and a final focus on over 40 participants, Generaciones’ Narratives reveals how terms like sponsor and gateway become nuanced in significant ways, and how both refined and new terminology useful for niche studies comes into play.
The book is presented in a manner allowing readers and listeners to envision multiple paths toward literacy. Generaciones’ Narratives’ participants themselves argue their own cases for the validity and value inherent in these paths through story-based responses and video interviews. New literacy terminology, born from the research, is shared and discussed, such as Micro-Tear Zone, Cubbyhole Gateway, Direct and Indirect Sponsorship. From Generaciones’ Narratives, literacies become defined as a set of experiences, and as a complex of recombinant actions with unpredictable results.
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Scenters‐Zapico, John. (2010). Generaciones’ Narratives: The Pursuit & Practice of Traditional & Electronic Literacies on the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press. Retrieved from
Scenters‐Zapico, John. Generaciones’ Narratives: The Pursuit & Practice of Traditional & Electronic Literacies on the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Logan, UT: Computers and Composition Digital Press/Utah State University Press, 2010.
Copyright 2010 John Scenters-Zapico and Utah State University Press/Computers and Composition Digital Press. Some rights reserved.
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