
Kara Poe
Alexander (Baylor University)
Kara Poe Alexander is Associate Professor of English and Director of
the University Writing Center at Baylor University, where she has
previously served as the Coordinator of Professional Writing and
Rhetoric. She teaches courses in literacy studies, multimodal
composition, technical and professional writing, and composition
theory and pedagogy. Her research has appeared in College
Composition and Communication, Composition Forum, Composition
Studies, Computers and Composition, Computers and Composition
Online, Kairos, the Journal of Business and Technical Writing,
Literacy in Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, Technical
Communication Quarterly, Basic Writing eJournal, and several
edited collections.
Stacey Stanfield Anderson (California State University
Channel Islands)
Stacey Stanfield Anderson is Assistant Professor of English and
Composition Director at California State University Channel Islands
in Camarillo, California. She joined the faculty at CSU Channel
Islands in 2005, just three years after the campus opened its doors.
In her work with the Composition Program at CSU Channel Islands,
Anderson has been part of a team that implemented the first Stretch
Composition and Directed Self Placement programs in the 23-campus
CSU system, serving a model for more established campuses that would
later follow suit. In addition to directing the Composition Program
and teaching first-year and upper-division writing classes, she
collaborates on cross-campus, interdisciplinary initiatives,
including learning communities and living learning communities
funded by Hispanic Serving Institution grants. She also serves as a
Proven Lead with the CSU’s system-wide Course Redesign with
Technology Initiative.
Erin Kathleen Bahl (Kennesaw State University)
Erin Kathleen Bahl is an Assistant Professor of applied and
professional writing in the English department at Kennesaw State
University. Her research investigates the possibilities that digital
technologies afford for creating knowledge and telling stories. Her
born-digital dissertation explored processes of invention and design
in composing new media scholarship. Additionally, she researched and
documented religious diversity in Columbus, Ohio in collaboration
with Harvard University’s Pluralism Project. Her work has been
published in Composition Studies, Humanities Journal,
Harlot of the Arts, Signs and Media, Showcasing
the Best of CIWIC/DMAC, and Computers and Composition
(print and online).
Kathryn Comer received her PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies from The Ohio State University in 2011. She is Assistant Professor of English and Associate Director of Composition at Portland State University, where she teaches courses in writing pedagogy and rhetorical theory. Kate is one of the founding editors of Harlot: A Revealing Look at the Arts of Persuasion, an experiment designed to bridge the gap between academic and public discourses about rhetoric in everyday life. Her work has appeared in Computers and Composition, Composition Studies, and edited collections.
Scott Dewitt (The Ohio State University)
Scott Lloyd DeWitt is Associate
Professor of English in the Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy
program at The Ohio State University. He is the author of Writing
Inventions: Identities, Technologies, Pedagogies (SUNY,
2002) and the co-editor of a scholarly collection of curated
exhibits (with H. Louis Ulman and Cynthia Selfe), Stories
That Speak To Us: Exhibits from the Digital Archive of
Literacy Narratives (Computers and Composition
Digital Press, 2013). Additionally, he is the director of
the annual Digital Media
and Composition Institute.
Bill FitzGerald (Rutgers University)
William FitzGerald is Associate Professor of English at Rutgers
University-Camden, where he teaches courses in rhetoric, literacy,
and writing studies and directs the Writing Program. He is the
author of Spiritual Modalities: Prayer as Rhetoric and
Performance (Penn State Press, 2012) and co-author of The
Craft of Research, 4e (University of Chicago Press, 2016) and
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses and
Dissertations, 9e (aka Turabian, University of Chicago Press,
forthcoming 2018) and other recent publications on science writing,
typography, and style pedagogy. His current book project is a
reception study of the famous Serenity Prayer.
Lynée Lewis Gaillet (Georgia State University)
Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Distinguished University Professor and Chair of
the English department at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA,
is author of numerous articles and book chapters addressing Scottish
rhetoric, writing program administration, composition/rhetoric
history and pedagogy, publishing matters, and archival research
methods. She is a recipient of an NEH Summer Research Award and ISHR
Fellowship, and her book projects include: Scottish Rhetoric and
Its Influence (1998), Stories of Mentoring (2008), The
Present State of Scholarship in the History of Rhetoric
(2010), Scholarly Publication in a Changing Academic Landscape
(2014), Publishing in Community: Case Studies for Contingent
Faculty Collaborations (2015), Primary Research and
Writing: People, Places, and Spaces (2016), On Archival
Research (2016), and Writing Center and Writing Program
Collaborations (2017). Gaillet is a Past President of The
Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and
Composition, and Past Executive Director of the South Atlantic
Modern Language Association.
Nicole Hancock (Southwestern Illinois College/Old Dominion
Nicole Hancock is Associate Professor of English at Southwestern
Illinois College in Belleville, IL, where she teaches Basic Writing,
First-Year Composition, and courses in dramatic literature. With her
colleague, Steve Moiles, she has authored Use What Works,
a textbook for Basic Writing. In her past role as computer-assisted
instruction coordinator, she assisted her colleagues in diversifying
their use of technology in the classroom. She is currently a
doctoral student of Rhetoric, Writing, and Discourse at Old Dominion
University, where her research focuses on placement assessment
reform at community colleges.
Michael Harker (Georgia State University)
Michael Harker is Associate Professor of English at Georgia State University. He received his master’s degree from the University of Oklahoma in 2005 and his doctoral degree from The
Ohio State University in 2010. His book The Lure of Literacy: A
Critical Reception of the Compulsory Composition Debate
appeared in 2015 from SUNY Press. He has published articles in College
Composition and Communication, Literacy in Composition Studies,
Computers and Composition: An International Journal, Computers and
Composition Online, and Composition Forum. Michael
Harker is Co-Director of The
Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives (DALN), a publicly
available research archive of literacy narratives for which Georgia
State University is a Contributing Partner and Sponsor.
Brynn Kairis (Rutgers University-Camden)
Brynn Kairis recently graduated from Rutgers University-Camden with
an M.A. in English-Writing Studies. She now works as an instructor
at RU-C teaching first year composition and coordinating basic
writing courses. She is the author of “D/deaf Writing Does: An
Investigation of D/deaf Literacy Theory and Narratives” (Young
Scholars in Writing, 2015). Brynn has presented work on
D/deaf literacy, multimodality in FYC and the writing center, and
mentoring undergraduate researchers at CCCC and the RMMLA
conference. Her most recent project, a master’s thesis titled “Style
Chameleons: Learning to Write as an English Major,” focuses on style
pedagogy and its application to WAC/WID scholarship.
Guy Krueger (The University of Mississippi)
Guy Krueger is the Writing 101 Curriculum Chair and Core Lecturer in
the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the University of
Mississippi. His research focuses on basic writing theory and
praxis. Additionally, he is interested in the assessment of and
placement in first-year composition (FYC) courses. Krueger has been
at the University of Mississippi since 2010.
Deborah Kuzawa (The Ohio State University)
Deborah Kuzawa is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of
Engineering Education and the Chair of the department’s Diversity
and Inclusion committee at The Ohio State University. She teaches
engineering technical communications, which explores STEM topics
using rhetorical, social, and reflective lenses, with attention to
the ways that social diversity in the U.S. impacts STEM in all
areas. Her research focuses on diversity and inclusion in
engineering education, technical communications, queerness,
pedagogies and classrooms, and archives. Her most recent
publications are a collaborative chapter in the edited collection Creative
Ways of Knowing in Engineering (published by Springer) and
the forthcoming “Queer/ing Composition, the Digital Archives of
Literacy Narratives, and Ways of Knowing,” in the collection Re/Orienting
Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects (University
Press of Colorado).
Ben McCorkle (The Ohio State University at Marion)
Ben McCorkle is Associate Professor of English,
teaching courses in composition, rhetoric, and digital media
studies. He is the author of the book Rhetorical
Delivery as Technological Discourse: A Cross-Historical Study,
as well as several articles in publications including Computers
and Composition Online, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, and Composition
Studies. Currently, he serves as Co-Director of the Digital
Archive of Literacy Narratives.
Jen Michaels (The Ohio State University)
Jen Michaels is a PhD candidate at The Ohio State University in the
Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Program. Her dissertation
research examines how academics use social media to support their
scholarly composing. Jen is also the Content Strategist for Learning
Experiences at Mindset Digital, a firm that helps companies embrace
new digital trends and transform their business. In that role, she
designs keynote addresses and live workshops about social media, the
digital customer experience, and business writing for today’s
distracted readers. Jen is also the owner of The Saddle Geek, an
online consulting and e-learning company that helps horseback riders
find the right English-style saddle.
Lilian W. Mina (Auburn University at Montgomery)
Lilian Mina is Assistant Professor of English at Auburn University
at Montgomery where she teaches graduate courses in the Master of
Teaching Writing program and upper-division writing courses. She
researches digital rhetoric with focus on multimodal composing,
writing teachers’ use of digital technologies, and the use of social
media platforms in the writing classroom. Her research in
multilingual composition is centered around multilingual writers’
use of digital technologies and examining their prior (digital)
writing experiences. She is also interested in (technology)
professional development of writing teachers, professionalization of
graduate students, and empirical research methods. Her work has
appeared in different journals and edited collections.
Alice Johnston Myatt (The University of Mississippi)
Alice Johnston Myatt is Assistant Professor and
Assistant Chair of the Department of Writing and Rhetoric at the
University of Mississippi. She teaches composition classes and is
the academic coordinator of the Minor in Professional Writing; she
also chairs the planning team for the department’s annual
Transitioning to College Writing Symposium. Among her research
interests are the intersections between writing program and writing
center administration and assessment, the role of independent
writing departments and programs in the field of writing studies,
and the key characteristics of effective cross-institutional
collaborations. She earned her Ph.D. in English with a focus on
Rhetoric and Composition from Georgia State University.
Janelle Newman (Mercyhurst University/Indiana University of
Janelle Newman is Director of the Writing Center
and Academic Director for the Center of English Language Studies at
Mercyhurst University. Janelle spent many years teaching English
overseas in the Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Ireland, and
Japan. Her experience involves the teaching of not only English as
an additional language, but also freshman composition and
pre-service teacher training. Her research interests include
investigating culturally responsive pedagogies, understanding
multilingual realities, analyzing educational discourse, and
discovering the intersection of technology and learning. In her
spare time, she likes gardening, playing music, watching sci-fi, and
spending time with her family (including two cats).
Mary Helen O’Connor (Georgia State University’s
Perimeter College)
Mary Helen O’Connor is Assistant Professor of English and Senior
Faculty Associate for International Initiatives. Her teaching,
research, and writing focus on the lives and experiences of refugees
and immigrants. She and Dr. Heval Kelli, a Georgia State University
alum and former Syrian refugee, launched a mentoring project called
MINA to support
refugee and immigrant students applying to college.
Lynn Reid is Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Basic Writing at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Florham Campus and recently earned her Ph.D. in Composition and TESOL at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is the immediate-past Co-Chair of the Council on Basic Writing, a CCCC Standing Group, and is Associate Editor of Production for the Basic Writing e-Journal. She has published on the intersections between Basic Writing and Computers and Writing, digital literacies, and pedagogies for multimodal composing, and is the recipient of the Kairos Graduate Student Awards for Service (2012) and Research and Scholarship (2016).
R. Joseph Rodríguez (California State University, Fresno)
R. Joseph Rodríguez is Assistant Professor of Multilingual and
Multicultural Education in the Kremen School of Education and Human
Development at California State University, Fresno. His research
focuses on classroom and social contexts that inform students’
literacy learning gains through culturally and socially responsible
biliteracies, including the teaching of children’s and young adult
literatures with digital and non-digital narratives. Catch him
virtually via Twitter @escribescribe
or via email at
Johanna Schmertz (University of Houston-Downtown)
Johanna Schmertz is Professor of English at the University of
Houston-Downtown, where she teaches online and face-to-face courses
in composition, gender studies, and film. Using performativity as
her theoretical framework, she has published on ethos in Rhetoric
Review and on literacy narratives in Enculturation
and Pedagogy. She has also published on film literacy and
its usefulness in fostering reading-writing connections and critical
thinking in English Journal, Pedagogy, Journal
of Teaching Writing and Modern Language Studies.
Currently, she is working with digital archives of early fan
magazines and film trade journals to produce a set of articles
exploring constructs of gender in cinema’s silent era.
Cynthia Selfe (The Ohio State University — retired)
Cynthia L. Selfe is blissfully retired. She lives
with her partner Dickie Selfe and two dogs, Lucy and Sparky, on Lake
Medora in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (during the warmer months)
and travels in southern climates (during the colder months). She
remains eternally grateful for the years she spent with marvelous
graduate students and talented and generous colleagues. Selfe, along
with H. Lewis Ulman, is the co-founder of the Digital
Archive of Literacy Narratives.
Christian Smith (Coastal Carolina University)
Christian Smith is Assistant Professor of English at Coastal
Carolina University, where he coordinates the M.A. in Writing
program as well as teaches courses in composition and rhetoric. His
current research investigates the intersections of contemplative
practice and antiracist pedagogy. His work has appeared in Computers
and Composition, Literacy in Composition Studies, and College
Composition and Communication.
H. Lewis Ulman (The Ohio State
University — retired)
H. Lewis Ulman is Associate Professor Emeritus at
The Ohio State University, where he taught courses in writing,
rhetorical theory, electronic textual editing, digital media
studies, and environmental humanities. Professor Ulman has published
essays on the history of rhetoric, American nature writing, and
digital humanities. He edited The Minutes of the Aberdeen
Philosophical Society, 1758-1773 (Aberdeen UP, 1990); wrote Things,
Thoughts, Words, and Actions: The Problem of Language in Late
Eighteenth-Century Rhetorical Theory (Southern Illinois UP,
1994), and co-edited Stories That Speak To Us: Exhibits from
the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (Computers and
Composition Digital Press, 2013). In 2005, he co-founded the Digital
Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN), which he co-directed
from 2005 to 2014.