
The following contents consist of resources developed by this collection’s contributors to be used by teachers who wish to work with the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives in their own classrooms. Syllabi, assignment descriptions, course objectives, rubrics, and more can be accessed by clicking on the corresponding buttons for each chapter listing. Readers should feel free in adopting, adapting, or modeling these materials for their own instructional use. Additional materials (readings, assignments, templates, etc.) can also be found by visiting the DALN Blog’s “Resources” page.
Appendix A: Course Objectives for the Basic Writing course at Nicole’s community college
By practicing writing as a recursive process (inventing, drafting, reviewing, revising, and editing), successful students will:
(Primary) Invention
- Engage in inquiry through writing, reading, discussion and research;
- Employ creative and critical thinking;
- Collaborate with peers in developing topic and purpose;
- Articulate their writing choices, strategies, growth, strengths, and weaknesses.
- Achieve rhetorical purpose to meet readers’ needs, expectations, and contextual constraints;
- Collaborate with peers to foster competent and professional presentation;
- Proofread and correct their revised text;
- Employ appropriate format and citation conventions.
- Construct texts around a central controlling idea;
- Support a main idea with concrete and worthwhile details, examples and reasons;
- Develop an organizing principle that supports rhetorical purpose;
- Compose in multiple genres appropriate for multiple contexts;
- Collaborate with peers to engineer cogent arrangement.
- Construct an effective ethos to achieve rhetorical purpose;
- Cultivate style and tone by strategically employing rhetorical devices appropriate for the situation/circumstance;
- Make conscious, skillful, and/or artistic choices regarding language use;
- Collaborate with peers to improve and adapt writing style.
- Engage in research as a process of inquiry and discovery, formulating research questions and developing (or following) appropriate methods for pursuing those questions;
- Interact with a variety of primary and secondary written/visual/aural texts, discovering individual insights and formulating their own stance throughout the writing process;
- Gather sources and evaluate their reliability, accuracy, value, and currency.
Appendix B: Assignments
The first unit, “The Gift,” is about establishing a safe zone for students’ writing and an expectation that their thoughts are worthwhile and valid.
The open-ended assignment prompt is for students to write about a gift they have that they can share with the world to make it a better place or so others can have a voice. Students may share the evolution of their gift, how they came to realize their gift, the purpose of their gift, etc. This focus on a positive topic is very intentional.
Initial journal entries in Blackboard serve as opportunities to brainstorm for the first paper and are based around the following selections:
- “The Death of Expertise”: Long reading from The Federalist
- “Blessings Revealed”: Short reading from Yes Magazine
- “Everyone Has a Gift” : Yusef’s video with captions from DALN
- “Home Run Literacy”: Brian’s video from DALN about baseball
- “I Shot Charlie Brown”: Summer’s document from DALN about photography
- “Ain’t That the Blues”: Teeny’s video interview from DALN about singing (from 2:53 of Video 1 through the end of Video 2, transcript available)
The written assignment shifts from giftedness to literacy in Unit Two in a more traditional literacy narrative. The assignment is still open-ended and personal.
- “What is a Literacy Narrative?” from
- Students choose materials from the DALN
- Work with using the discussion board to share selections
- Analyze the narratives as a class, in class
- As a class, create an assignment sheet for the second paper of the semester
- Continue the trajectory of brainstorm, prewrite, draft, review, redraft, review, redraft, edit
[These objectives have, since, 2011, been revised to welcome the inclusion of genres other than traditional academic arguments and to acknowledge the value of personal narrative as a source of evidence. Additionally, it is now at the discretion of individual faculty members whether or not to include a limited research requirement in ENGW 1100. - LR]
ENGW 1100 Writing Skills Workshop gives students with weak writing skills an opportunity to strengthen critical reading and essay writing abilities before entering ENGW 1101.
By the end of the semester, students in ENGW 1100 should be able to:
- Construct and support a clear thesis statement in organized papers that reflect unity and coherence.
- Write strong, well supported and tightly focused body paragraphs.
- Demonstrate that they have begun to develop skills in the areas of close reading and critical thinking. Student writing should display independent thinking and assessment of ideas.
- Create a logical outline for discussion and develop examples in support of a clearly articulated thesis.
- Produce writing that is more or less free of grammar and syntax error.
- Summarize and paraphrase sources responsibly.
- Move beyond mere editing to revise holistically and effectively.
- Write 4-page papers that discuss at least two readings and integrate these readings as independently formulated responses.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of MLA style by using in-text cites and by including an accurately formatted Works Cited page.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of databases and conduct simple searches since they may be asked to use this resource in other coursework. HOWEVER, No research should be assigned for this course. It is more important that students be able to create a strong thesis and write well developed paragraphs. An understanding of databases can be taught in connection with readings from the anthology without requiring that the students do any outside research.
Essay 2
Prof. Reid
“Every reader, every writer has a story...” ~The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives
Considering the readings that we have done recently on literacy and communication, respond to the following question:
How does a literacy or communication activity impact your relationship to a particular community?
4-5 FULL pages
MLA Format and Style
At least THREE quotes from any ONE of the following readings:
[This list represents a range of texts I have used. In a given semester, I will likely cover no more than five of these. - LR]
- “Coaches Can Read, Too” by Sean Branick
- “Public and Private Language” by Richard Rodríguez
- “Hip-Hop Planet” by James McBride
- “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
- “Electronic Intimacy” by Christine Rosen
- “Limestone Way of Learning” by Susan Bernstein
- “If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me What Is” by James Baldwin
- “Sponsors of Literacy” by Deborah Brandt
Second Draft Due:
Final Draft Due:
Brainstorming Notes:
“Understanding Others’ Stories to Find Our Own: Helping Linguistically Diverse Students Analyze, Create, and Evaluate Digital Literacy Narratives” (Newman)
Appendix A: Digital Literacy Narrative Assignment Description
Digital Literacy Narrative
Throughout the semester, we have been
cultivating our personal definitions of digital
literacy. For this assignment, you will analyze the
stories of others and then focus on a story or experience from
your history that demonstrates an element of your personal digital
literacy development.
This assignment helps you:
- Critically examine others’ work to recognize effective storytelling and communication traits;
- Examine your own experiences and connect them to your class content;
- Demonstrate you have a developing understand of digital literacy;
- Use clear description to communicate a main idea through effective choices of words, organization, grammar/structure, and multimodal techniques; and
- Isolate the key components of a successful narrative and create a personal grading rubric.
- Part 1: Literacy Narrative Analysis: You and your group will examine five literacy narratives from the Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives website (, identifying and explaining effective and ineffective communication techniques. (30 pts)
- Part 2: Your Digital Literacy Narrative: You will communicate your digital literacy narrative in a multimodal format of your choosing. This narrative will be published on Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives website ( (100 pts)
- Part 3: Personal Grading Rubric: You will consider your results from Part 1 and the final components of your Part 2 to develop a personal grading rubric of 6 key areas for your digital literacy narrative. Ms. Newman will grade your narrative based on the 6 areas you identify. (20 pts)
- More than one mode of expression (see Arola et al. Ch. 1).
- There is no word minimum since the project is multimodal, but you will need to clearly communicate your experience. As a baseline, you can consider a multimodal, writing-based narrative as about 1000+ words or a multimodal recording-based narrative as 3-5 minutes.
This project is worth 15% of your overall grade. You
will create a personal grading rubric for this project based on
the traits you identified in Part 1 and 2.
4/25 and 4/26 First draft
Technology work: Audacity and video editing programs
Peer Review. Everyone must
have a revised draft!
Final Due. We
will stop discussing the project on Monday 5/2, but you will have
some additional time to put your final piece together.
Digital Literacy Narrative
Assignment Reflection
Use this space to honestly communicate your thoughts about the
project. You receive full credit for thoughtful
completion of these questions.
- Think through all the different activities you completed to finish this project in class and outside of class. Write a list or a summary of everything you remember doing to prepare for and complete this project. Feel free to look back at BB, GoogleDocs, your calendar, and your notes.
- Which activity from question #1 helped you the most? Explain more about the activity and why you think it helped you. What did you learn about yourself and about writing in general?
- Which activity from question #1 did not help you? Explain more about the activity and why you think it did not help you. What did you learn about yourself and about writing in general?
- What was your favorite part of your project?
- Use this space to give any other comments about the project.
“Teaching Refugee Students with the DALN” (O'Connor)
Appendix A: “My Literacy Narrative” - Assignment Prompt
My Literacy Narrative
In a 1,000 word essay, define your understanding of the word "literacy."
Consider all of the following questions and then tell me YOUR own literacy story.
What is literacy? Are you literate? What kinds of literacy are there? How did you become literate? Who were your "literacy sponsors"? Who taught you to read, write, speak? What was the first book read to you? What was the first book you read on your own?
Please bring a draft to our next class meeting. We will edit your drafts with partners in small groups. The final draft will be submitted to the assignment dropbox one week after you receive your edited draft. Please visit the Learning and Tutoring Center for assistance polishing your drafts. I am also available for edits and feedback during my regular office hours.
Appendix B: “The Literacy Narrative Video Interview” - Assignment Prompt
- Write a brief summary explaining the 5 Ws (Who, What, Why, When, Where) of the contents of the video and why you chose this person for your interview.
- Discuss your definition of literacy. This can include how your ideas about literacy have changed as a result of completing this interview.
- List all of the keywords you hear in your interview that relate to ‘literacy’ and our exploration of what it is and how it is defined or described.
- List all of the ‘technologies’ mentioned in your interview (this can be paper, books, music, pencils, computers).
Appendix C: “My Literacy Story” - Assignment Prompt
My Literacy Story
For this assignment you will be
presenting your “My Literacy Story” as a short video. Using the
tools you have on your ipad you will assemble the photos, videos,
and audio you have created or collected into a video. You want the
video to enhance your story about literacy. We looked at some
unedited examples of literacy stories at the DALN:
Here is a checklist for the necessary components of a successful
- Photos, videos, visual effects to enhance your story.
- Audio (music or narration) that matches the tone of your story.
- Any text included is displayed with appropriate speed for viewers.
- Includes a title screen with your name and a unique title for your story.
- Clear images that are not pixelated or copyright protected.
- Effective transitions that do not distract viewers.
- Needs to be creative and inspired and unique.
- Correct spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.
- A FINISHED copy shared with me on the class Google drive account.
- Final videos should be between 3 and 5 minutes.
- .mov files are the recommended format.
- Completed projects will be due at the beginning of class. No exceptions.
- The Mediaspot can help you with any portion of this project.
Appendix D: Literacy Narrative Video Project - Rubric
Excellent |
Good |
Average |
Needs Work |
Not Evident |
Assignment Components:
“Black Narratives Matter: Pairing Service-Learning with Archival Research” (Selfe & Ulman)
Appendix A: iTunes U Course
Community Literacies: Using Digital Narratives
by The Ohio State University
This course material is only available in the iTunes U app on
iPhone or iPad.
This course focuses on documenting and preserving the literacies
of communities through personal literacy narratives. We invite
people to take the materials from this project (handouts,
syllabus, assignments) and adapt them for their own community
literacy projects or to use them in alternative versions of this
course taught at other colleges, universities,
communities—providing appropriate attribution to this iTunes
In the project, we describe why first-hand narratives are useful
vehicles for documenting the literacies of a community, and we
offer a blueprint for working with community members: helping
people record their first-hand accounts about reading and
composing, talking about, the roles such activities play in their
lives, and for preserving these narratives in the Digital Archive
of Literacy Narratives (DALN) at
Appendix B: Student-Produced Digital Exhibit
Appendix C: "Community Sampler" Website
“Archiving and Re-Narrating Selves in an Online Writing Course”(Schmertz)
Appendix A: Assignment sequence
This week’s question: How do/can we revise our identities through literacy? The DALN (Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives) will be your reading resource. Begin by rereading the essay “From Outside, In” by Barbara Mellix to see an example of a literacy narrative. Then . . .
- Google DALN to find the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives.
- Register with an email address.
- Receive confirmation link at that email address; click link and fill in blanks (name, phone, password). A message on the website will confirm your registration.
- Sign in, and proceed to play around on the site to see what you can find. I recommend beginning with search terms like “academic writing,” “identity” and “revision.” After reading several of the literacy narratives you find, you should have ideas of some topics or keywords of your own that you are curious about. Play around with the website. Spend at least two hours just exploring and taking notes on links you might want to return to.
- Curate a selection of literacy narratives/autobiographies for your group, using the My Group tab in the course. Assemble 3-4 links that you feel present a fresh or otherwise useful perspective on literacy. After introducing yourself to your group, explain in a 100-200 words preface why you think it would be beneficial for them to read the sources you have found. Post this to your group, using the Groups feature in Blackboard.
- Note: Use the Blog tool to post your introduction and links to the DALN. Use email primarily to negotiate schedules, organize workflow, etc.
Literacy Autobiography One
In 4-6 organized, well-written pages, tell a story of your own
experience with literacy. Think of the DALN links your group
posted, as well as your interviews with group members, as "fodder"
for ideas about how you will shape the story of your own unique
literacy journey up to this point. End your paper in the present,
and any issues about (or with) literacy that you have encountered
in this class that are currently shaping you. The journey is
unfinished and won't end as long as you live. So don't worry about
the fact that you haven't gotten to the end of your journey!
You'll be revising this paper at the end of the course anyway.
Barbara Mellix's essay, of course, is a good model to follow. One
thing you should take from her is the way she provides examples
and pulls quotes from her own writing, in order to show the reader
how she was using literacy at any given moment in her personal
Keep in mind my question about how literacy can revise our
identities. Looking at your own writing over the years, do you see
any shifts in not just how you wrote (or read), but who you were?
Retelling My Story: Literacy Autobiography 2
For your second literacy autobiography, you will tell the story of
your engagement with literacy in a completely new way. You should
mostly discuss the same events, but you will make them mean
something very different—new ideas, new perspective, new
sentences. Think about how our place(s) in our culture(s) help
determine the way we tell our stories, and why this matters. (If
you are not sure why it matters, revisit the essays by Jerome
Bruner and Kara Poe Alexander, as well as the stories that grabbed
your attention most from the Digital Archive of Literacy
Narratives). Retell your story in a way that makes you and your
reader see alternative perspectives on your development as a
literate being.
On each of your responses to the first literacy autobiography, I
made suggestions about ways you might retell your story. These are
just suggestions. Feel free to come up with a different
As I mentioned, this is a new assignment. The only way you should
borrow language from your original piece is by recontextualizing
it, according to your current understanding of literacy and your
place in it. Follow the method Barbara Mellix uses to do so: quote
directly from your piece, introduce your quoted passage in a way
that lets the reader know your reason for including it, and follow
up the quoted passage with a discussion of your words and how you
would like the reader to interpret them.
This is to be a unified essay, with a clear path and purpose. (Yes, that means a thesis and topic sentences.)
Please title your essay as follows:
(You fill in the blank after you are sure what fits your thesis best)
Grading criteria:
- Paper has a thesis (it does not need to be made clear at the end of your intro, but there needs to be a good reason why not)
- Each paragraph makes its own central point
- Each paragraph logically follows from the one before it
- Error-free sentences (proofreading)
- Unified perspective and purpose
- Title reflects paper's focus
- Outside sources are integrated with purpose and clarity
[A caveat to teachers: Students who begin the semester
excited about the opportunity to relate their history with
literacy may feel that being asked to tell that story
differently later on is an exercise in bad faith, a kind of
bait and switch on the teacher’s part. This problem can be
mitigated if teachers suggest students approach the assignment
from a new standpoint. For example, students might tell their
story in the third person, or from the perspective of another
character in their story, such as a friend or mentor, or from
an imagined perspective at some point in the future. My own
(online) students have not openly resisted retelling their
stories, but teachers in face-to-face classes might, and they
may need to assure students that both versions of their
literacy autobiography are equally valuable, and equally
aspects of their “true” identities. - JS]
“Year of Living DALNgerously: Breakthrough Encounters with Archival Pedagogy” (FitzGerald & Kairis)
Appendix B: “Community and Literacy” Prompt - First Encounter with the DALN
First Encounter with the DALN
Search the archive
using whatever methods you wish (e.g, by date, subject,
collection) but be sure to encounter at least two narratives in
different formats (e.g., text, audio, video). Briefly describe
these two accounts by providing their full record, a short summary
of the content, and something that you found interesting that,
perhaps, you might imagine asking the contributor about. (course
blog post of 09/05/13)
Appendix C: “Community and Literacy” Assignment Outline - “My Literacy Log”
My Literacy Log
This semester-long assignment asks you to complete an annotated log of your own literate practices across a several month period by recording, in various media, the what, where, how, and why of your reading, writing, texting, composing, etc. and commenting on those practices with a brief, but substantive, entry (100 or so words) that locates those practices in some contexts of “community and literacy.”
You are asked to provide 25 separate entries. Some portion of these entries may turn the focus onto others’ literate practices, especially as they stand in relations of similarity and difference to your own. This assignment will be due twice during the semester: on October 17 (at least half) and December 3 (the rest). (course blog page)
Appendix D: “Community and Literacy” Prompt—Literacy Interview with a Classmate
Literacy Interview with a Classmate
Based on the series of prompts from the DALN website, interview someone in class for 20-25 minutes. You can record the interview or simply write up some responses. Either way, the interviewer will give the interviewee any materials generated. (This exercise continues from Thursday, September 19, when interviewers were interviewees.)
Appendix E: “Community and Literacy” Assignment Outline—Literacy Narrative 2
Appendix F: “Community and Literacy” Assignment Outline—Fieldwork Project
What: a 6-10 page (or equivalent) research report based on fieldwork interviewing subjects about their literate lives grounded in the scholarship of literacy and literacy narratives. This report can take the form of a multi-part paper or mini-website and draw on text, audio and video. Feel free to chose an appropriate and jazzy title or subtitle for this work. Feel free to use relevant subtitles instead of “methods”, etc.
When: due Monday, December 16 at noon (Sakai dropbox or emailed link). Drafts completed before Thursday will be happily read by me in conversation with you.
How: This final team assignment is a description and analysis of your primary research interviewing subjects about their literate lives, based on notes, recordings and, where successful in that invitation, actual contributions to the DALN. These 3 to 8 interview subjects will be the anchor of the 6 to 10 page report in which your team crafts an introduction (1-2 pp); a “methods” section (1-2 pp.) describing the who, what, when, where, etc. of your combined research activities; a “results” section (4-5 pp.) detailing the substance of your interviews and solicited narratives with appropriate framing and commentary; a “conclusion” or “findings” section (1-2 pp.) identifying implications and questions for further research, significant grounded in issues and relevant scholarship featured in our course. Project includes a list of Works Cited and a research log documenting who did what and when.
Evaluation: The successful report is clear and economical in its prose; rich in supporting details; well-organized and substantive; fairly free of error; imagining your audience.
Support: again, you can find the material to do this work in Rose and other authors and the resource of the DALN
Appendix G: “Research Methods in Composition and Literacy” Syllabus
Appendix H: “Research Methods in Composition and Literacy” Assignment Outline - Practitioner Report
“Religion, Remediated: Engaging Religious Literacies with the DALN” (Bahl)
Appendix A: Remediation Research and Media Sources
- Anonymous. “East and West.” Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, 19 November 2011,
- Kriya Yoga, Kriya Yoga Institute, 15 June 2016,
- Leeman, Lisa and Paola di Florio. Awake: The Life of Yogananda. Netflix. Self-Realization Fellowship, 2014.
- Self-Realization Fellowship, Self-Realization Fellowship, 15 June 2016,
- Yogananda, Paramahansa. Autobiography of a Yogi. 1946. Self-Realization Fellowship, 2014.
- Yogananda, Paramahansa. God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita: Royal Science of God-Realization. Self-Realization Fellowship, 1999.
- Yogananda, Paramahansa. “Prayer at Dawn.” From Whispers from Eternity. Ananda Sangha Worldwide, 15 June 2016,
- Curtis, Edward E., IV. “African-American Islamization Reconsidered: Black History Narratives and Muslim Identity.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion, vol. 73, no. 3, September 2005, pp. 659-684.
- Eero (Martin Eero Köressaar). “3 Years (Thoughtful/Calm.” SoundCloud, 2014,
- Hammer, Juliane. “Complicating the Story of Women in the Nation of Islam.” Review. Women’s Review of Books, vol. 32, no. 4, July/August 2015, pp. 7-9.
- Harris, Rachel. “‘The Oil is Sizzling in the Pot’: Sound and Emotion in Uyghur Qur’anic Recitation.” Ethnomusicology Forum, vol. 23, no. 3, 2014, pp. 331-359.
- Muhammad, Charissa Coleman. “Im Still Here.” Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, 12 February 2010,
- Ries, Julien. “Islam.” In Religions of the World: An Introduction to Culture and Meaning. Ed. Lawrence E. Sullivan. Fortress Press, 2013, pp. 265-282.
- Rouse, Carolyn Moxley. Engaged Surrender: African American Women and Islam. University of California Press, 2004.
- Scholz, Jan, Tobias Selge, Max Stille, and Johannes Zimmerman. “Listening Communities? Some Remarks on the Construction of Religious Authority in Islamic Podcasts.” Die Welts des Islams, vol. 48, 2008, pp. 457-509.
- Boadt, Lawrence, Richard Clifford, and Daniel Harrington. “A Reconstruction of Ancient Hebrew Cosmology.” In Reading the Old Testament: An Introduction, 2nd Edition. Paulist Press, 2012, p. 92.
- “The Book of Genesis.” The New Revised Standard Version Bible, Harper Bibles, 2009.
- Goldstein, Lauren. “Imagining New Media as a Religious Experience.” Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, 7 April 2011,
- Logos Bible Software. “Ancient Hebrew Conception of the Universe.” Logos 5 Software, 2012,
- Mermelstein, Ari. Creation, Covenant and the Beginnings of Judaism: Reconceiving Historical Time in the Second Temple Period. Brill, 2014.
- Paukner, Michael. “Ancient Hebrew Cosmology.” 11 November 2009,
- Plaskow, Judith. Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective. Harper San Francisco, 1990.
- Sullivan, Lawrence E. “Judaism.” In Religions of the World: An Introduction to Culture and Meaning. Ed. Lawrence E. Sullivan. Fortress Press, 2013, pp. 177-198.
- Cau, Arianna. “#CAUtion Snowboarding in Stubai.” 8 December 2015, YouTube,
- Chaîne de jinkaz74. “Combe de Torchère (La Clusaz) en randonnée raquettes/snowboard—Le 18 Novembre 2012.” 18 November 2012,
- YouTube,
- Daehn, Werner. “Snowboard Extreme Carving Hand-Cam.” 15 March 2015, YouTube,
- Drescher, Elizabeth. Choosing Our Religion: The Spiritual Lives of America’s Nones. Oxford University Press, 2016.
- Drescher, Elizabeth. “The Gospel According to the ‘Nones.” America: The National Catholic Review, June 8-15 2015,
- Frank, Adam. “Does Being ‘Spiritual But Not Religious’ Really Mean Anything?” National Public Radio, 21 October 2014,
- Glenn, Heidi. “Losing Our Religion: The Growth of the ‘Nones.’” National Public Radio, 13 January 2013,
- Jones, Elizabeth. “Variations on a Theme of Literacy.” Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, November 2012,
- Lipka, Michael. “A closer look at America’s rapidly growing religious ‘nones.’” PewResearchCenter, 13 May 2015,
- Mercadante, Linda A. Belief Without Borders: Insides the Minds of the Spiritual but not Religious. Oxford University Press, 2014.
- “‘Nones’ on the Rise.” Pew Research Center, 9 October 2012,
- TomaHawk Production. “Pomerelle SnowBoarding 2014.” 1 March 2014, YouTube,
- Sunshine Village. “ | Sunshine Village | Ski & Snowboard Banff, Canada.” 15 December 2014, YouTube,
- Wahlström, Stella. “Snowfall.” Soundcloud, 2013,
Appendix B: Audio Checklist
Appendix C: Rhetorical Analysis of an Artifact Collaborative Presentation
Appendix H: Poster Presentation Rubric
Appendix A: Learning Module 1 - Scientific Literacy Narrative
Module Overview: In this learning module, you will examine your own scientific literacy in light of studies conducted by the Pew Research Center on the public's knowledge and attitudes regarding scientific issues.
Module Time Frame: Weeks 1 - 4
Reading Tasks (Complete by Day Before First Class Meeting):
- Pew Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz
- Public's Knowledge of Science and Technology
- Why Pew Research Center is Going Deeper on Science
- Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society
- Science, General Public Have Divergent Views on Science, Report Says
- Most Americans and Scientists Tend to Disagree, Survey Finds
- Scientists are Cautious About Public Outreach
- Study Finds Wide Gulf Between Public, Scientists Views About Science
- GMO Food Bans Pander to Ignorance: Our View
- Pew Study Finds Scientific Concord and Discord Between Public and Scientists (article is on page 6 of bulletin)
- 1000 Word Revised Draft (with integrated sources) (Due Day Before Week 2 Class Meeting)
- 2000 Word Complete Draft (with integrated sources and works cited) (Due Day Before Week 3 Class Meeting)
Appendix B: Learning Module 2 - Scientific Literacy Journeys
Module Overview: In this learning module, you will examine your own scientific literacy journey in the context of the journeys of others as shared in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives and in light of studies conducted by the Pew Research Center on the public's knowledge and attitudes regarding scientific issues.
Module Time Frame: Weeks 7 - 13
Module Reading Tasks:
A. Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (Choose at least 5 narratives; use search terms "science" or "scientific"; label in summaries as A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, etc.)
B. Pew Science Knowledge Quiz
C. A Look at What the Public Knows and Does Not Know About Science
D. Religion and Science: Highly Religious Americans are Less Likely Than Others to See Conflict Between Faith and Science
E. Video: Are Science and Religion in Conflict with Each Other?
F. Americans, Politics and Science Issues
G. The Race Gap in Science Knowledge
H. Public Interest in Science and Health Linked to Gender, Age and Personality
I. Pop Quiz: How Science-Literate Are We, Really?
J. Scientific Literacy: It's Not (Just) About The Facts
K. What Colleges and Universities Need to Do to Advance Civic Scientific Literacy and Preserve American Democracy
Additional Resources:
Neil deGrasse Tyson on Why Science Literacy Matters
Click Here for Transcript
Highlighted Transcript
"Alan Alda on Why Scientific Illiteracy is Endangering the Planet -- and How We Can Turn That Around"
Print Version
Writing Task - Scientific Literacy Journey (Essay #2): In this essay, you will reflect upon the evolution of your own scientific literacy. Your paper will draw upon the reading tasks from this module and texts from your own personal literacy story that reflect significant stages in your journey. Use the sources provided to define what scientific literacy is (and what it means to you) and why it matters.
Schedule of Due Dates
Week 8: Summaries of Module 2 Reading Tasks (will post on CI Learn; label as noted above)
Week 9: Analysis of Module 2 Reading Tasks (1000 words; will post on CI Docs)
Week 11: Synthesis of Module 2 Readings Tasks (2000 words)
Week 12: 5-6 Page Complete Draft of Essay #2 (with in-text parenthetical citations and works cited)
Week 13: 5-6 Page Polished Draft of Essay #2 (with in-text parenthetical citations and works cited)
“The DALN as Mentor Text: Empowering Students as Literacy Agents” (Myatt & Krueger)
Appendix A: Literacy Narrative – Reflection Assignment Prompt
Some questions to consider:
- What did I struggle with during this unit?
- What came naturally or easily?
- What would I do if I had more time?
- Have I done writing like this before? If I have, how was this process different/similar?; If I have not, what did I learn?
- What do I think I did well in this paper?
- What kind of commitment did I make to this paper (time, effort, etc.)?
- Was I able to place my narrative in a larger context? If so, how? If not, why?
- What role did the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives play in my process?
- What parts of class helped with this paper? What homework assignments or other out-of-class work/experiences helped with this paper?
- What did I discover about myself as a writer while working on this paper?
- How would I define the my narrative assignment (i.e., what were the defining characteristics of the paper I just completed)?
- What learning outcome did I focus on in this paper (if you focused on more than one, pick one to write about here and then change each time so you have written about all five over the course of the semester)?
The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives: (video) (video only) (audio only)
Optional: If you need extra credit, I will give you 20 extra points toward your homework/in-class grade if you upload your reflection to the DALN, using the tags/key words “WRIT 101”; “University of Mississippi”; and “first-year writing”.
Appendix C: Focused Literacy Narrative - Assignment Prompt
Literacy narrative, Writing
101 (engineering)
8/25: Preliminary (brainstorming) draft due
8/30: 1st complete draft of literacy narrative due
9/01: Final draft due
For this assignment, you will write a 3-page literacy narrative
that explains why you chose the field of engineering or your
specific sub-field. Your essay must be in MLA format, although
you will not need citations. In preparation for the final essay,
you will write three informal reflective pieces; a preliminary
draft; and a solid, complete first draft. These writings and
your two drafts of your final essay will be included in the
assignment you turn in. The requirements for these documents are
described below.
Literacy Narrative
Your literacy narrative will consist of a reflection on the
experiences that led you to choose engineering or a particular
sub-field of engineering. While the essay is personal since it
is about your decision, you must provide an explanation for your
decision. A reader should understand that your reasons make
sense in the context of your life, and the essay should
illuminate why a person in our culture would choose this
profession. In showing that your reasons make sense, you need to
show only that they have made sense to you.
In addressing this subject, you may want to consider the following questions:
- Are there particular experiences that you have had that led you to engineering?
- Did a particular person influence your choice? Why?What did you hope to gain or experience as a result of studying engineering? What did you hope to avoid?
- What are your values, and how do you see them expressed in engineering?
- How will engineering advance your values?
- Remember that when you discuss your reasons, you will need to be very specific in describing what led you to engineering—i.e., specific conversations or other experiences. Try to avoid relying on generalizations, which usually aren’t defensible.
Informal Reflections
On the three deadlines listed above, you will bring to class a
reflection of at least one page. In your reflection, you will
describe briefly an experience you had that influenced you to
choose engineering. In addition to describing the experience
briefly, you will reflect on why that experience was
influential. Consider the questions listed in the “Literacy
Narrative” section above. Note that your reflection must consist
of more than a summary of the experience.
Metacognitive Reflection on
After each revision, write a metacognitive reflection
on your revision process that considers what you did when you
revised your paper. To do this, consider the following
- What did you do (add, delete, re-order, substitute, re-conceptualize)?
- What questions did you consider?
- What was most productive?
- What do you wish you had done or wish you had known how to do?
- Note: Your reflection does not need to address every question. The purpose of this reflection is to explore your thoughts and feelings about your writing process, so I will not expect a polished essay, but you must use complete sentences and paragraphs that each address one topic. Your goal is to help me understand your thoughts. If it helps, think of this as field notes, lab notes, or an instant re-play with commentary.
What to Turn In
Your packet for this assignment will include the following items
in a file folder with your name on the tab.
- 3 informal reflections
- 2 draft versions of the literacy narrative
- 1 final literacy narrative
- 2 metacognitive reflections, one for each revision that you prepared
Staple any piece that exceeds one page in length.
Source: Dr. Olivia Walling, UC Santa Barbara (2010)
Appendix D: Lesson Plan for in-class exploration of the DALN by disciplinary focus.
In Class and Homework Lesson: Disciplinary Discourse/Disciplinary Literacy
For Teachers: Preliminary
Exploration for the Exploratory Essay
Purpose: To build an introductory
understanding of the connections between reading, writing, and
research in the student’s discipline.
Learning Objectives: To learn how to:
- Identify literacy patterns and habits by examining artifacts composed by students and/or professionals in the student’s discipline;
- Reflect through writing on student’s literacy development/habits that have led to her or his selection of a discipline;
- Identify current ethical themes and/or research topics of interest and importance in the student’s discipline; and
- (Optional) Contribute (at end of course) a reflective, focused literacy narrative that connects the student’s literacy activities to her or his discipline.
Process (Begin in Class; if needed, students may complete as homework):
- Begin by going to the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) at If students will later be asked to contribute a focused literacy narrative to the DALN, you may wish to have them register for an account (it’s free).
- Next, students should make a list of key words, terms, and themes that connect to their majors (this can be done individually or in groups; if in groups, group by discipline). Their objective is to find and read or view a minimum of three different entries in the DALN that engage with their search terms and your major.
- In the DALN Search box, enter key words and terms one at a time; read/view the results that are returned and select three entries to review. TIP: Model this process at least once with terms from your own field of study.
- Now, using the guidelines for reflection discussed in class, note how the narrator connects disciplinary knowledge to their own literacy. Discuss in groups, then share observations with the class.
Follow this with an assignment that has students further investigating a theme, issue, or concept they discovered by reading/viewing the DALN artifacts via an essay or blog post.
“The Archive as Intervention for Teaching Reflection” (Mina)
Appendix A: Examples of Operational Definitions
Table: Examples of Operational Definitions
Sub-categories | Example | Source |
Goal Projection |
107 A 111 A |
Goal Process |
111 A 111 A |
Goal Retrospection |
121 F 123 A |
Initial View |
107 A 119 F |
Final View |
107 A 123 F |
Lesson |
131 F 111 F |
Analysis |
115 F 111 F |
- So, what does someone who hated school grow up to be? A teacher, course. That’s how I [Sarah Moon] know that while a lot has changed since I was a teenager, a lot hasn’t. I’ve taught in cities and suburbs, public and private, even a jail, and they all have one thing in common—they’re full of kids who are trying to make their ways through moments of fear, insecurity, doubt, despair, confusion, hilarity, openheartedness, giddiness, and overwhelming joy. Just like all of us. (pp. 2-3). And what about you?
- If you could send a letter to yourself between the ages of 13 and 19, what would you write in it and maybe even challenge, forgive, or affirm about adolescence and post-adolescence? What would you reveal, share, understand, and/or question? Lastly, comment on a YA literary character we read AND one from your own reading life.
- a. Your name, permanent mailing address, and email prominently listed as letterhead. (The letter will be mailed to you in the next two years.)
- b. Current Date
- c. Dear [insert YOUR name],
- d. Body of the letter must appear in various paragraphs with complete sentences.
- e. Closing such as Always, Believing in you, Contigo, Fondly, XOXOs . . . with signature and printed name.
- f. Signature
- clearly write and state your thesis or purpose of the letter;
- organize and develop your ideas with paragraphs;
- provide relevant and specific evidence from a certain age period;
- choose your words carefully; and
- edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling.
- Gregory Neri with your interpretation of and response to ONE of his novels: either Yummy: The Last Days of a Southside Shorty (2010) or Tru & Nelle (2016), OR
- Isabel Quintero with your interpretation of and response to her novel titled Gabi, a Girl in Pieces (2014).
- Trying to protect my students’ innocence
- I tell them [. . . ] (p. 77).
- Clearly write your concentrated lines in four stanzas.
- Organize and develop your ideas effectively.
- Provide relevant and specific evidence as a teacher candidate.
- Choose your words carefully as a teacher of writing.
- Edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and spelling.
- Write with your students, recite literary works, and think aloud in ways that make thinking audible (metacognition) in their presence. Include the deliberations, decision-making, and internal conversations that writers, performers, editors, and thinkers adopt as they handwrite, type, revise, organize, delete, and finalize drafts and documents for meaning making. In this exercise, students begin to undertake scribing actions related to make meaning.
- Create shorter scribal exercises such as microscripts, or mini-essays, which can evolve into a longer essay with feedback and trusted sources for reference. Support students to adopt and adapt both text and visualization with their submissions that can begin small in a scribe role and will increase with multiple editing from their instructor and peers.
- Assign peer review of student writing for students to gain insights from a scribal peer and include a follow-up writing conference with your students to support a scribal identity. Lastly, select a few essays for discussion with your teaching colleagues to support writing evaluations with actionable feedback.
- Promote writing on demand and extended writing situations by inviting students to practice professional writing by drafting a business letter to an author or an email message to a peer in response to the work they just read. Furthermore, we can experience students practicing close, inferential, and critical reading as scribes. The letter can be sent to the author or a peer can respond to the letter in support of a literary dialogue or exchange.
- Read with inquiry by asking students to annotate print and digital texts with symbols (check, question mark, parentheses, star) that reflect assumptions, comparisons, connections, conclusions, descriptions, explanations, inferences, questioning, and unfamiliar words. After annotating, students share their annotations to reflect close reading strategies such as awareness of (1) what the author communicates through language, (2) how the author is uses language to dive deeper into a concept, and (3) why the theme represents a comment on society and human life and experience.
- Invite students to contribute to the Digital Archives of Literacy Narratives (DALN) by contributing their own personal literacy narrative and literary analysis in audio, text, and video formats.
- An additional resource for consideration is StoryCorps, which includes doing interviews based on oral histories and recording local literacy narratives of students and their families. Student contributions can reveal the multiple ways they enact literacies and connect with literature in their everyday lives as e-scribes in a digital role.
- Adams, P. (2014, Jan. 31) News literacy: Critical-thinking skills for the 21st century. Edutopia. Retrieved from
- Moll, M. (2014, June 23). 5 tools to develop critical thinking skills before college. U.S. News. & World Report. Retrieved from
- Pappano, L. (2014, Feb. 5). Learning to think outside the box: Creativity becomes an academic discipline.” The New York Times. Retrieved from
- Clayton, V. (2015, Oct. 26). The needless complexity of academic writing. The Atlantic. Retrieved from
- Kamentz, A. (2015, July 10). The writing assignment that changes lives.” NPREd. Retrieved from
- Kristof, N. (2014, Feb. 15). Professors, we need you! The New York Times. Retrieved from
- Rothman, J. (2014, Feb. 20). Why is academic writing so academic? The New Yorker. Retrieved from
- Strauss, V. (2016, Feb. 19). I wish my teacher knew—poignant notes from students. Retrieved from
- Archdeacon, C. (2015, April 14). Why Toni Morrison keeps writing. The New York Times via YouTube. Retrieved from
- Coates, T. (2015, Aug. 5). Advice on writing From Ta-Nehisi Coates. The Atlantic via Facebook. Retrieved from
- Knopf Group, Random House. (2009, April 1). Sandra Cisneros: Writing. YouTube. Retrieved from
- Patwegar, Rida. (2015, June 17). 10 writing tips from James Patterson. Tales of Success. Retrieved from
- Petit, Z. (2012, Oct. 5). Sherman Alexie’s top 10 pieces of advice for writers. Writer’s Digest. Retrieved from
“‘Writing is much more than putting ink on paper’: Preservice Teachers and Socially Responsible Literacies for a Connected and Digital World” (Rodríguez)
Appendix A: Connecting with Students and Their Worlds
Appendix B: Letter to My Adolescent Self
The purpose of this assignment is to revisit adolescence, or young adulthood, and to reflect on one’s experience and learning today as an adult and professional through a personal, friendly letter written to oneself.
In addition to all of our readings in the course, the following two readings inform our essential questions, which are: “Whose stories matter?” and “How do cultures shape and limit our beliefs and actions?”
See: Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old Self (2015) edited by Joseph Galliano
See: The Letter Q: Queer Writers’ Letters to their Younger Selves (2014) edited by Sarah Moon
In the “Foreword” to Dear Me: A Letter to My Sixteen-Year-Old-Self (2011), J. K. Rowling asked the reader, “What would you say to yourself if you came face-to-face with a sixteen-year-old you?” (p. vii).
What would you say?
In the “Introduction” to The Letter Q: Queer Writers’ Letters to their Younger Selves (2012), the editors Sarah Moon and James Lecesne wrote,
Write a letter to yourself as if you were an adolescent again, except this time you are an adult looking back in time with layers of experience and wisdom. Read the selected letters in Dear Me and The Letter Q as mentor and model texts to guide your own reflection and letter writing. Note how the letter writers focus their ideas or maybe use a stream of consciousness. Follow these five (5) steps:
(1) The assignment must be handwritten and legible (readable) on three full pages (single-spaced and front matter only) on white paper (8.5 x 11) with black or blue pen ink.
(2) The writing prompt is as follows:
(5) Have a permanent mailing address handy to write on an envelope, which will be provided.
This assignment is meant to be reflective and, if applicable, enjoyable as well.
Please address the letter to YOURSELF and NOT to your professor.
You are the audience. Thus, use first-person point of view, which is “I.”
If possible, please consider using affirming and positive language to your adolescent self. We must become self-aware and also to eliminate the ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) that may race through the human mind. I look forward to reading your letters.
Suggestion: Think carefully about your friendly letter and how to present ideas.
Be sure to practice the following:
Appendix C: Letter to an Author
The purpose of this assignment is to apply literary analysis and to use the letter as a genre to communicate your thoughts to an author whose novel we are studying.
Using the template provided on pages 2 and 3 of this document, complete the assignment by writing a letter of 600–650 words with the following parts and steps (items A–L):
A. Write a friendly, business letter to ONE author of your choice from the following list:
C. Change the letterhead to reflect your name, address, phone number, and email address (see page 2).
D. Introduce yourself. Do NOT write “My name is . . .” or state this is a class assignment.
E. Use academic writing conventions that include the use of capital and lower-case letters, punctuation, grammar, and spacing.
F. Write original, complete sentences (simple and compound) for A3.
G. Include in your letter a thesis statement and in subsequent paragraphs textual evidence. A works cited page is not required, but be sure to cite the page from which a phrase is quoted with MLA Style as (00) and as needed.
H. State your own thinking about the following: (1) what the novel meant to you, (2) what it reflects about adolescent life, and (3) what you learned as a reader.
I. Add your observations about the novel by answering TWO of the FIVE essential questions we have studied in the course thus far.
J. Include TWO or THREE questions you have for the author as a reader of her or his novel and why you are posing these questions as inquiry.
K. Conclude in a positive, engaging voice that also expresses gratitude to the author as the reader of your letter.
L. Indicate if you grant permission for your professor to mail your letter to either Mr. Neri or Ms. Quintero (see page 4).
Please feel free to be creative, but remember to be succinct and economical with your ideas and words by following the instructions provided above, which appear as items A–L. As a reminder, write complete short and compound sentences. You are NOT permitted to write fragments or run-ons with no end in sight. Follow and apply academic writing standards.
500 West Horror Avenue
El Paso, TX 79968-0526
6 January 2017
Mr. Gregory Neri
c/o LEE & LOW BOOKS95 Madison Avenue, Ste. 1205 New York, NY 10016-7808 |
OR | Ms.
Isabel Quintero c/o Cinco Puntos Press 701 Texas Avenue El Paso, TX 79901-1421 |
Dear Mr. Neri or Ms. Quintero: (Notice the use of a colon after the greeting.)
Introductory Paragraph: (Note: Notice the spacing and lack of indentations in this format. This modern business letter style is called block format, or justified. Use single-spacing for paragraphs, and leave an extra space between paragraphs.)
Use this paragraph to explain your purpose (thesis) for writing the author and some brief details about yourself. (It is unnecessary to state that this is a class assignment. Avoid writing this bland sentence: “My name is . . .”) This paragraph should probably include 5–6 sentences.
Second Paragraph: In this second paragraph, state your own thinking about what the novel meant to you, what it reflects about adolescent life, and what you learned as a reader. A length of 6–7 sentences is a good guide for your second paragraph.
Third Paragraph: In this third paragraph, add your observations about the novel by answering TWO of the FIVE essential or guiding questions we have studied in the course thus far (see syllabus and/or modules). A separate Works Cited page is not required, but be sure to indicate the page from which a phrase is quoted by using the MLA Style guide as (00) and as needed. A length of 6–7 sentences is a good guide for your third paragraph.
Fourth Paragraph: In this fourth paragraph, include TWO or THREE questions you have for the author as the reader of his or her novel and why you are posing these questions as inquiry. A length of 6–7 sentences is a good guide for your fourth paragraph.
Concluding Paragraph: Summarize your earlier statements. Provide any additional contact information. Conclude in a positive, engaging voice that also expresses gratitude to the author as reader of your letter and for his or her time. A good length for your concluding paragraph is 6–7 sentences.
Sincerely, (Other possible closings include Respectfully or Truly Yours) (Leave 3–4 spaces so you have room for your ink-based, handwritten signature)
Frank N. Stein (Type your own name here)
[As the letter writer, answer the question on the next page about this assignment.]
6 January 2017
Dear Professor:
I grant permission for you to (please MARK with an X):
___ MAIL this letter to Mr. Neri or Ms. Quintero after my Fall 2016 course grade is submitted.
___ DO NOT mail this letter to Mr. Neri or Ms. Quintero after my Fall 2016 course grade is submitted.
Thank you,
[type your name here]
Appendix D: Scoring Rubric
ACCEPTABLE 1 point |
GOOD 2 points |
EXCELLENT 3 points |
Essential or Guiding Question |
The guiding question is not addressed. |
The guiding question was not completely addressed. |
The guiding question is addressed. |
The guiding question is addressed and exceeds expectations. |
Content |
Content is minimal OR there are several literacy-based errors. | Includes essential information about literacy, but there are 1–2 literacy-based errors. | Includes essential knowledge about literacy. Subject knowledge is relevant. | Covers literacy in-depth with details and examples. Literacy-based knowledge is exemplary. |
Mechanics |
More than four errors in spelling or grammar in the narrative. | Four misspellings and/or grammatical errors appear in the narrative. | Three or fewer misspellings and/or mechanical errors appear in the narrative. | No misspellings or grammatical errors appear in the narrative. |
Presentation and Appeal |
Uses font, color, graphics, and effects, but these
often distract from the presentation of the content. |
Makes use of font, color, graphics, and effects, but occasionally these detract from the presentation of the content. | Makes use of font, color, graphics, and effects to enhance to presentation of the content. | Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, and effects, to enhance the presentation of the content. |
Citations and Credits |
The information is often incorrect OR there are major errors in formatting, MLA-style guide, and credits list. | Information in almost all MLA-style source citations is correct, and there are minor errors in formatting and the credits list. | Information in all MLA-style source citations is correct, but there are minor errors in formatting and the credits list. | Information in all MLA-style source citations and the formatting is correct with an inclusive credits list. |
Appendix E: A Poem: The English Language Arts Teacher
The purpose of this writing assignment is to assess your application of the close reading of a poem and to associate it with your literacy experiences and teaching beliefs via a digital narrative.
View the poem “To This Day” (2013) by Shane Koyczan and think about the how digital and narrative writing can become more interactive for the reader and viewer via a TED Talk.
Next, read the poem “The History Teacher” (1999) by Billy Collins and pay attention to the use of literary elements, figurative language, and cultural knowledge. Also, note the pedagogical role, choices, and consequences of the social studies teacher’s (speaker’s) actions found in the poem.
Write a four-stanza poem of your own with Collins’s poem as your model text. Begin with the first two lines in a first-person point of view as follows:
Suggestion: Think carefully about how the poet presents ideas and how the speaker uses voice in the poem.
Be sure to practice the following:
Appendix F: Recommendations for Instructional Planning
To maintain a culture of digital writing with inquiry, consider the following:
In support of student writer identities through literature and society, consider the following:
Appendix G: For Further Reading and Planning
To advance deeper learning and inquiry, consider the following:
To advance writing and breakthroughs, consider the following:
To hear authors on writing narratives, visit the following: